Create a SurfaceView Game step-by-step

In the coming posts, I will TRY to create a basic game, a VERY BASIC GAME: base on SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder, display something as Sprites, running in backgroud Thread.

New a project MyGame of package com.MyGame, target Android 2.2, API Level 8.

Prepare my character

Creating graph is my weakest. As a example, I decide to copy my character from Android build-in icon.
- Create a /res/drawable folder.

- Open a file explorer and browse to any Android build-in platform drawable folder (ex. /android-sdks/platforms/android-8/data/res/drawable-mdpi/), drag any icon you want to /res/drawable folder under your project.
Drag any icon

- Select Copy files in the coming File Operation dialog.
Copy files

- Rename the drawable to icon_me.png: Click to select the copied icon, click File from Eclipse menu, and Rename...

In the coming posts, I will show more in step-by-step.

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